How fast can credit repair be done?
In personal finance of CreditGuy (December 15, 2023 8:51 pm)
I want to repair my credit quickly, like within 6-12 months have everything cleaned up and improved scores. Is this possible? How likely?
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Depends how bad your credit score is, as to how much it can really be repaired. If you owe NOTHING then it will go up as quick as it can basically. Although you should have some open lines of credit(like 1, maybe 2 credit cards) if you want things to move. I mean owing nothing doesn’t help when you have no line of credit either.
Comment by sgoldperson — December 17, 2023 @ 1:45 am
There is no fast way to do this. If you have bad credit it takes years to clean up. A bankruptcy 7-10 years. Bad payments on credit cards 2-3 years. 6-12 months is an unreasonable expectation. A good rule of thumb is figure it will take about as long to get out of bad credit reporting as it did to get you into it. Assuming you continue to pay all your bills on time.
Comment by David M — December 20, 2023 @ 1:32 pm
Attention everyone Colossal Credit Repair is the answer! 90 Days Fasy and Inexpensive and honest go to or email to Credit Repair does work
Comment by Colossal C — December 23, 2023 @ 1:14 pm