does lexington credit report repair have good standards with the BBB. what bar association are they connected?

In Other - Business & Finance of CreditGuy (January 22, 2024 7:45 pm)

[email protected] asked:

do they have high ratings with the better business bureau and what bar association are they with, how many complaints do they have

Credit Repair Business Opportunity
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1 Comment »

  1. I don’t know about lexington credit report repair, but I can tell 2 things about credit repair agencies:
    1) if they specialize in repairing mistakes that occasionaly occur in people’s credit reports (and that is your case), don’t waste your money - you can do it yourself for free. You just need to cantact the credit reporting agency (Equifax, Experian or Transunion) that made the mistake and follow their mistake repair procedure.
    2) if a credit repair agency claims they can fix a genuinely bad credit (and that is your case) by giving you a new identity (new SSN etc), don’t bother as well - all that is illegal. You would be better off by trying to pay off your debts by budgeting and discipline, or by hiring a qualified financial advisor if you are in deep trouble.
    Wish you the best of luck!

    Comment by Christy — January 25, 2024 @ 6:41 pm

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